Founded in 2007, MedAvante has developed methods for the centralized rating of clinical endpoints that enhance assay sensitivity in CNS clinical trials. Centralization of clinical ratings standardizes the assay design and reduces variability. This in turn can increase the accuracy of trial outcomes and enhancing signal detection through reduction of the placebo effect that is common in psychiatric studies. EW made this growth equity investment into MedAvante in 2010. In 2014, the VIRGIL tablet was developed, a proprietary tablet sent to the rating sites, which successfully enabled electronic source data capture or Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessments (eCOA). In early 2016, EW was approached by Trevi Health Capital for an acquisition of MedAvante, and the company was sold in May 2016.
- Hamilton, NJ
- Contact:
- Acquisition
- Acquired by: Trevi
- Exit date: May 27, 2016
“Essex Woodlands is the premier brand in healthcare PE. The primary reason is that Essex provides value well beyond the realm of finance. Many - if not most - capital providers are financial engineers; they see the world and their portfolio companies through the narrow prism of finance and pathways to exit. This makes for a limited partnership since CEOs need capital partners who can see the world as they do – more like 3 dimensional chess. CEOs need capital partners who can be valuable sounding boards across a wide range of issues: refining the business model, determining the most logical sequence of growth adjacency moves, assessing the trade-offs between different options for globalizing, ensuring an effective mix of Board directors, and of course, being able to open doors and provide introductions through a deep network. Essex’s support goes well beyond financial counsel and into this broader realm of value creation. You know when you pick up the phone to stress test your thinking with your Essex partner that you will have a sounding board who not only understands these issues but can share best practices from Essex’s broad portfolio, and beyond that has the depth of experience to provide practical insight and thoughtful feedback.
For all of these reasons I strongly recommend Essex as not only the premier healthcare brand but the right partner.
Paul M. Gilbert
Testimonials and endorsements reflect portfolio company management’s opinions and beliefs regarding the company and the investment. Such opinions and beliefs are subjective, do not represent a complete assessment of the company, the market or EW’s overall investment performance and cannot be independently verified. Such statements are being offered as references for purposes of demonstrating the benefits of working with the EW team and not for the purpose of soliciting investors. Portfolio company executives receive/received a salary and economics from the portfolio company. No executives were paid for their testimonial or endorsement. There is a conflict of interest in these unpaid testimonials and endorsements in that all speakers stand to benefit from EW’s success and they work/worked for an EW portfolio company.